Midweek Meet-ups
“Those who drink the water I give will never be
thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring
within them, giving them eternal life” John 4:14
We have fiive separate LifeGroups that meet in various homes across the Berryfields development throughout the week:
LifeGroups are a chance to dig a bit deeper into what it means to follow Jesus as individuals and here on Berryfields. This may involve prayer, worship, communion, opening up the bible together, or practical action in the community.
Once a month (first Wednesday evening) there is a worship and prayer gathering at Lucas Esquires CoffeeShop - 8-9:30.
Whether you have a faith or not, if you want to meet up with some friendly folk and join in the adventure then do connect up with us and we will let you know where and what we're doing that coming week.